Prime Minister's New Year Message
Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you had a joyful and harmonious Christmas.
As we approach the end of 2023, it is a time for reflection on the past year. 2023 has been a year of progress for the United Kingdom.
我們在七月集結建立聯合王國,延續貢獻華語微國圈子。我們立國時面臨過一些挑戰,挑戰引發我們團結一致。 In July, many members of our country came together to establish the United Kingdom, continuing our rich traditions and contributing to the Chinese-speaking micronational community. While the establishment of our nation faced some challenges, it also reminded us of the spirit of togetherness and kinship.
八至九月,我們創立樞密院來處理王室事務,國王陛下慷慨地同意王室特權應根據首相建議行使,由是確立聯合王國之君主立憲制。我深信君主立憲制將會引領聯合王國邁向成功。 In August and September, we created the Privy Council to handle Royal Household affairs. His Majesty the King graciously accepted that all royal prerogative powers should be exercised based on the Prime Minister's advice. This symbolizes our constitutional monarchy system, and I have full confidence that this system will bring us success in the future.
立國至今,聯合王國在各方面面臨挑戰。然而,真正挑戰並不在於挑戰來臨,而在於我們如何面對。 Throughout the past year, our country has faced various challenges in different aspects. However, the true challenge lies not in the arrival of these challenges, but in how we respond to them.
與其迴避困難,我們更應迎難而上!新一年,我們將繼續為更美好未來奮鬥,國民間將建立更緊密友好的關係,我們將以公平正義創造政治制度,使聯合王國繼續作地上的鹽,世上的光。 Instead of avoiding or escaping from difficulties, let us embrace them with positivity. In the coming year, we will continue to strive for a better future, fostering stronger and more harmonious relationships among our citizens, and creating a political system with fairness and justice to let our country continue to serve as salt and light in the world.
No matter what challenges lie ahead, we will overcome them together as united Victorians.
祈願二〇二四對諸君來説是美好的一年,再次祝諸君新年快樂。 May the year 2024 be a wonderful year for you and your family. I wish you all a very happy New Year.