Ministerial Appointments
域多利安全局升格為國王陛下政府國防部,繼續主導國內安全以及市容美化事宜。域多利安全局局長 亞厘畢議員 將擔任國防大臣一職。
The Victorian Security Service has been upgraded to become the Ministry of Defence of His Majesty's Government, continuing to uphold national security and urban beautification affairs. The Director General of the Secret Service Alberto MP will assume the position of Secretary of Defence.
外交大臣 亞厘畢議員 將改任國防大臣,雅瑟斯領地及印太發展事務大臣 朱驃議員 兼任外交大臣,領導國王陛下政府外交部。
The current Foreign Secretary Alberto MP will be reassigned as the Secretary of Defence, while Bill Chu MP, the current Chancellor of the Duchy of Essex will also assume the additional role of Foreign Secretary, leading His Majesty's Government's Foreign Office.