聖旨(任命臨時國會議員) Royal Decree (Appointment of Provisional Members of Parliament) 朕任命以下人士為國會議員: We appoint the following subjects as Our Members of Parliament. 朱驃、伍承芳、章祈紹、紀文思、亞厘畢、龍志景朗 Bill CHU, Ricky NG, Catalin Sicario JENNINGS, Macy LIAO, Alberto and King-long LUNGCHI 現著令國會議員立即召開國會會議,推選國會議長副議長,並向朕推舉首相之人選。 By this decree, the newly-selected Members of Parliament are summoned to immediately convene a parliamentary session to elect the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Parliament and to elect a suitable candidate for the position of Prime Minister.
Almond, King of the Victoria United Kingdom and His other sacred Realms, Defender of the Beauty, Emperor of Castle Peak
8th July 2023